COMMENT OF THE DAY: "low brow’s" identity revealed?

By Volcano Staff on July 5, 2011


Today's comment comes from Reylan Fernandez of the Tacoma band the Dignitaries. He responds to a string of commentary by regular website commenter low bar.

Mr McCausland. I will immortalize you in a shitty song I will write. The title is "Low Brow didn't get enough attention playing his type of music (if he even plays music) so he must hate on Motopony, The Nightgowns, The Dignitaries and the Rev." Yeah it's a little long, but It' will have a snappy beat and a catchy chorus... Low Brow, Low Brow you are a -10 Troll and a plus five Hater. I bet you are a +10 Masturbater !!! Well something like that... It will suck to your liking Mr. McCausland. Also, I'm sorry our Creed shirts and Teva sandals were in the wash for the photo shoot ...