5 Things To Do Today: The Capes & Cowls Book Club, Man Day, blues, Rockaraoke and more ...

By Volcano Staff on July 25, 2011

MONDAY, JULY 25, 2011 >>>

1. For many people around the South Sound, venturing into a comic book store for the first time can be a terrifying experience. Don't worry, The Capes & Cowls Book Club has you covered. You'll be among friends. Every fourth Monday this new book club will ease you into the superhero comics genre with support and friendship. At 8 p.m., the group will discuss Incognito by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. If you don't know where to go, don't worry. We've got you covered on that front too - King's Books, of course.

2. You effed up yesterday. You plum forgot the power of the sun. Your kids are burned to a crisp. You need a fun indoor activity to redeem yourself. The Children's Museum of Tacoma is celebrating its 25th birthday with a special party from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. featuring birthday-themed crafts and activities, bubble parades, playdough cupcake decorating and face painting - all yours for 25 cents a kid. Do it.

3. Fast Eddie Felson from the 1961 classic The Hustler wasn't good with booze, money or women. But he could sure shoot a mean game of pool, and that made all the difference. Malarkey‘s Pool & Brew offers Man Day Mondays with half-priced burgers, 25 percent off drinks and free pool on the 9-foot tables. Half-priced burgers and free pool? Fast Eddie would be proud.

4. Blues and jazz singer Maia Santell - with the help of Jho Blenis on guitar, Jay Mabin on bass, Billy Barner on drums and special guest Jumpin' Josh Violette on guitar - will perform from 8-10 p.m. at The Swiss.

5. Every Monday night beginning at 9 p.m., Jazzbones hosts Rockaraoke - a chance to sing onstage with a live band - plus a plethora of cheap Miller High Life. It's valid excuse to drink on a Monday (!) night.

LINK: More arts and entertainment events in the South Sound

LINK: RSVP to the Super Best of Tacoma party this Thursday