Tie one on at Cork!

By Ron Swarner on July 28, 2011


Looking for that last minute gift idea? Instead of rushing to the mall, why not consider some presents that will keep on giving after Christmas is over?

Wait a minute. It's not holiday season. Why is there a make a wish tree inside Cork! Wine Bar?

Owner Nick Coughran is awesome.

Every quarter he dedicates his indoor wishing tree to a different local charity. This quarter United Way's Project:U will be the recipient of his customer's big hearts.

"I'm hoping my customers write a wish or affirmation on the notepaper I provide, tie a bow on it, then hang it on the tree. If they make a donation to Project:U – well, that would be awesome," states Coughran.

Cork! Wine Bar

4-10 p.m. Monday-Thursday
4 p.m. to midnight Friday-Saturday
606 N. State St., Tacoma