Nosh League: Meat Me Halfway

By Steph DeRosa on July 5, 2011


Our romance has blossomed into something special, to say the least.

What once was just a simple gander across a crowded Nosh League event has now had us locking eyes all night long. No sake tasting, fish filleting, or chocolate espresso could ever take away the memories of those precious times we spent noshing together.

Not even a bacon pancake would stand in the way of us being happy. ...

This time, let's make it official. Won't you Meat Me Halfway?

Derek Kipapa of Dave's Meat and Produce has agreed to host the Weekly Volcano foodie group Nosh League in what is certainly to be the best spread of barbecue you've ever seen while your undeniable love for food is acknowledged in your own mental ceremony.

For a measly $15  Kipapa will bestow up on you four different types of beef, chicken, four salads, dinner rolls, BEER, and best of all ... his famous and very popular Hawaiian pork rolled in banana leaf - all in one glorious buffet.  Kipapa will also go into meat - tutorial mode - showing us the difference in cuts, how to cook them, and most importantly, making the bond between our love for food even stronger.

This, my dear foodie, will be our next step toward a meaningful secret food relationship that you will never find an opportunity for again.

Well, at least until next month's Nosh League, but whatever.

Make it easy on your heart and mine. Meat Me Halfway.

Join the Nosh League Facebook, then RSVP to the event. Seating is limited, so hurry.