Tell your story

By Ron Swarner on August 12, 2011


So, you want to tell your story. OK, write. Go on. Don't worry about it being smooth.  Just write. Right? Right. Buy yourself a black beret and head right on down to your local friendly coffee shop for some existential inspiration. That should help you write. Can't go to a coffee shop? Don't drink coffee? You're LDS? Well, you, my friend, have a problem. But there is a way you can get your story out there.

StoryCorps invites people to come into one of their sound booths for a 40-minute chat with anyone they choose. What? Here's what StoryCorps says:

StoryCorps, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to recording, preserving, and sharing the stories of Americans from all backgrounds and beliefs, will record interviews in Tacoma from September 8 - October 3 as part of its cross-country MobileBooth tour. StoryCorps' MobileBooth-an Airstream trailer outfitted with a recording studio-will be parked at the Museum of Glass (1801 Dock Street, Tacoma, WA). Reservations will be available beginning at 10 a.m. on August 25th and can be made by calling StoryCorps' 24-hour toll-free reservation line at 1-800-850-4406 or visiting Additional appointments will be made available on September 9th.

Tell your story. Right? Right.