COMMENT OF THE DAY: Infinite Soups … that “amazing little soup place”

By Volcano Staff on September 9, 2011


Today's comment comes from Scott Nodland in response to a Steph DeRosa "Person, Place or Thing" column from last December on Infinite Soups ... or more specifically one of the ladles at Infinite Soups.

Nodland writes,

Visiting Tacoma recently I sought out what had been described by a friend as only, "that amazing little soup place." I found my way asking directions from a series of random locals. Without a name, they all knew what I was talking about and pointed out my way to Infinite Soup.

I enjoyed amazing soup nearby in Wright Park, and stumbled over another little jewel in Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum across from the park.

Later I realized I had taken change for a $10 not the $100 bill I had tendered. The next day I returned to Infinite Soups to explain. The woman who had taken my $100 bill asked another person working, "Hey, was yesterday's till 'over'?" Without a word of discussion the other went to the till, counted out my missing change and handed it to me communicating only his smile.

Not only was my Infinite Soup absolutely delicious but it was completely trustworthy at the same time. If you've never tasted a genuinely honest soup, find it near the corner of 6th and Tacoma avenues. If you forget where it is, can ask the locals how to get there, just say "that amazing little soup place."