MORNING SPEW: Kids' summer continues, Pearl Jam film, Simpsons Channel and more ...

By Volcano Staff on September 15, 2011


No School: The Tacoma School District called off school. (News Tribune)

Do We Really Have To Look At It?: Washington state revenue forecast will post this morning. (The Olympian)

WTF?: Swiss banking giant UBS discovered that unauthorized trading has cost it an estimated $2 billion. (CNN)

WTF?2: Nicolas Cage awoken by naked man with Fudgesicle. (Reuters)

WTF?3: Lady Gaga has designed the GL10 Instant Mobile Printer. (NME)

He's Honest Dammit: The man in the Gumby suit who tried to rob the 7-11 has turned himself in. (Best Week Ever)

Pearl Jam Twenty: Cameron Crowe discuss the documentary. (Rolling Stone)

Doh!: Could Homer Simpson get his own channel? (Los Angeles Times)