MORNING SPEW: Judge schmudge, Hilltop receives dough, coding studs, sexy shorts ...

By Volcano Staff on September 17, 2011


Strike This: Although pissed the Tacoma School District teachers didn't return to work, Superior Court Judge Bryan Chushcoff didn't throw down the hammer. (News Tribune)

HUD Bud: Almost $2 million in federal housing money is headed for Hilltop Tacoma's community center. (News Tribune)

Video: A pilot lost control of his vintage plane during an air race over the skies of Reno and slams into box seats. (CNN)

Stirring Some Shit: Seventy-four year old Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi called the German Chancellor Angela Merkel an "unfuckable lard-arse." (The Independent)

We Wonder If They Called Erica Albright A Bitch: Meet some Stanford genius hackers and code writers. (New York Magazine)

Let's Look At Art: The 30 Best Pop Culture Google Doodles. (Flavorwire)

Wipeout: Too sexy for his shorts. (Dumb As A Blog)