MORNING SPEW: Tacoma was occupied, Design for America, Axl Rose looks and sounds horrible

By Volcano Staff on October 8, 2011


Occupied: The Tacoma spin-off of what's becoming a nationwide protest against corporate greed, income inequality and other social issues marched from Fireman's Park to Tollefson Plaza, stopping briefly to pound on some recycling bins. (News Tribune)

Checking In With the Tacoma School District: The board has its eye on Deputy Superintendent Carla Santorno for two consecutive posts. (News Tribune)

Tacoma Week In Review: Clean water clusters, potholes, awards for TV Tacoma & Pierce County TV and a new blog. (Weekly Volcano)

He's Got Your Back: Defense Secretary Leon Panetta tells sailors he will insist that any agreement on keeping U.S. troops in Iraq beyond 2011 includes immunity from Iraqi prosecution. (CNN)

If Your Job Sucks - Too Bad, At Least You Have One: Unemployment rate remained stuck at 9.1 percent. (LA Times)

Design For America: Young designers to take ownership of social problems in their communities and working to solve them with innovative solutions. (Core77)

Halloween Costume Ideas: Of course you have to look to Comic Con. (Neatorama)

Axl Rose looks and sounds horrible