COMMENT OF THE DAY: One last GIG 2011 hug

By Volcano Staff on November 7, 2011


Today's comment comes from Sean Armentrout, vice president of Community Education & Resource Development for United Way Pierce County, in response to our recap of Project: U's Get Involved Gala held Saturday night at the Tacoma Art Museum.

Armentrout writes,

The final totals are still being tallied. However, the event will have raised a substantive amount of money for our community. From affordable housing, programs to prepare kids for school and success in life, to access to health care. Perhaps even more significant is the number of people who came together to learn more and find ways to get involved and support our community. Overall it was a phenomenal evening and It would not have been possible without the support of sponsors like The Volcano. Go to to see who else helped support this event.