Tonight at the Olympia Film Festival: Les Blank

By Ron Swarner on November 12, 2011


In a career spanning five decades and including more than 40 films, documentary filmmaker Les Blank shines a yielding but revealing light on people and cultures far outside the American mainstream, contrasting sharply with the heavily staged, agenda-driven documentaries popular today.

Blank will attend tonight's screenings of his work as part of the Olympia Film Festival. The programs offer a chance to see some of Blank's art - focusing on music in the South. The program includes Blank's 1969 classic The Blues According to Lightnin' Hopkins about the great Texas bluesman, Always For Pleasure, Les Blank's vivid 1978 portrait of New Orleans and Sprout Wings and Fly, about Appalachian fiddler Tommy Jarrell.

The films screen tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Capitol Theater. For more information on the Olympia Film Festival, and today's film schedule, go here.

For a sneak peek at Always For Pleasure, check the trailer below ...