True Tacoman app trivia game: Friday's answer, new question

By Volcano Staff on November 8, 2011


Foodcaching is a new smart phone app alerting customers of awesome food deals at 16 restaurants in the greater Tacoma area. You may download the app for free on your iPhone and Android here.

The Weekly Volcano has teamed up with Foodcaching for the True Tacoman game. Every Tuesday and Friday right here on Spew, we post a Tacoma history trivia provided by the Washington State History Museum. If you know the answer, run to one of the 16 participating restaurants, come clean with answer and you'll receive points on your Foodcaching app, which you downloaded free here. We'll be running the True Tacoman trivia game through the end of the year.

The person will the most points on Dec. 31 will be crowned the True Tacoma and be flooded with various food prizes.

Last week's Tacoma trivia answer

The present day building which houses the Washington State History Research Center in Tacoma dates back to 1911, when the Washington State Historical Society shared space with another historical organization, the Ferry Museum. Clinton P. Ferry - the Tacoma businessman for whom the Ferry Museum was named - was given a special name in the City of Destiny. What was the special name? The name was The Duke of Tacoma. Clinton was the son-in-law of Morton Matthew McCarver who named Tacoma after the Salish word.

Here's today's Tacoma trivia question

The first civilian jail in the Puget Sound was located:

A) Sumner

B) Tacoma

C) Steilacoom

Answer the question correctly at one of the 16 participating restaurants below and score points - besides the awesome food deals from the restaurant. The correct answer will be revealed Friday, Nov. 11 on Spew. Also keep an eye on this blog for bonus game points and a special invite to the True Tacoman Game Party in early 2012.

Oh, you can download the free app here.

Participating restaurants