Plan Ahead: You can't take your wine with you when you die tasting

By Jake de Paul on November 8, 2011


Many wine tastings are stylish and graceful events held inside fancy restaurants. The wines are perfectly matched with complicated, delicious food that I wouldn't take the time to prepare even if I had the recipes.

Or there's the other kind of wine tasting, where everyone shows up at someone's house with a bottle of his or her favorite wine. This is the optimum way to taste some cheap wine that you normally wouldn't drink on a bet. You enjoy RITZ crackers and spray cheese, and maybe someone brings hummus. You're guaranteed to have a headache the next day.

Or, there's a third option: A wine bar invites the public to a decade old bottle from their cellars, asks everyone to pony up $10 and then pour the wines in a communal tasting while the owner of the wine explain the story behind it.

Morso Wine Bar will run with option three Saturday night. Its staff will open, decant and pour the wines, as well as serve complimentary appetizers. All Morso asks is the wine be at least 10 years old and you tell its story.

[Morso Wine Bar, Saturday, Nov. 12, 7 p.m., $10, 9014 Peacock Hill Ave., Gig Harbor, RSVP at 253.530.3463]