Tomorrow: Shrinky Dinks and Tattoo Tights

By Volcano Staff on January 14, 2012


It's more than possible in these parts to spend winter having a whole lot of creative fun. And to that end, a frenzy of community art classes isn't the norm. You just need to know where to look.  Like here.  On this blog.  Tacoma Art Place hosts two community art classes tomorrow centered around unusual ideas.

Shrinky Dink Buttons

Sunday, Jan. 15
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
$20 plus a $10 Day Pass if you are not a member

Personalize your shirts, jackets and other projects with buttons you decorate as large pictures, then shrink to the size of a button. You don't have to just use them for sewing projects, either. Modify your design to make necklaces or glue a pin on the back for a fun accessory to add to any outfit.

Tattoo Tights

Sunday, Jan. 15
2-4 p.m.
$20 plus a $10 Day Pass if you are not a member

Keep your New Year's resolution to be more creative by drawing quirky designs on tights that look like tattoos when you put them on. Bring your own panty hose or take your chances with what we have available.

[Tacoma Art Place, 1116 S. 11th St., Tacoma, RSVP at 253.238.1006 or]

Oh, and the Tacoma Art Museum has a Sunday class, too.