Free Ticket Tuesday (closed)

By Volcano Staff on January 31, 2012


Kid Congo became an important post-punk figure in the 1980s. After playing in an early incarnation of The Gun Club, Kid joined The Cramps in the early '80s, and traded in his birth name - Brian Tristan  - at the suggestion of singer Lux Interior. Kid did a couple of more stints in The Gun Club before joining Nick Cave's crew in the late-'80s. He's been releasing music under his own name since 2005.

Thursday, Feb. 2, Kid Congo will perform at the Backstage Bar & Grill in Tacoma. Appropriately, Girl Trouble, Red Hex and the Trasholes will open.

What two free tickets to the show?

Correctly answer the question below and you name will be shoved into a random drawing for the pair of tickets. We'll draw a name at 5 p.m. today. The winner will be notified by tomorrow noon; tickets will be held at will call.

[Backstage Bar & Grill, Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds, Girl Trouble, Red Hex, Trasholes, Thursday, Feb. 2, 7 p.m., all ages, $7 at the door, 6409 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.564.0149]