MORNING SPEW: More weather, partial pothole plan, Dwight Schrute's 13 best moments ...

By Volcano Staff on January 23, 2012


Have You Heard About The Weather?: People are still in the dark with more rain and wind coming. (News Tribune)

Tacoma's Pothole Program: There's a partial plan. (News Tribune)

Eye On Olympia: New traffic fine would fund crime victims' services. (Peninsula Daily News)

Gay Marriage Bills: Two public hearings on gay marriage bills are set for today in Olympia. (King 5)

Public Works: $1 billion public-works package that could potentially put 25,000 people to work, many starting in the summer construction season just months away. (The Olympian)

European Union Vs. Iran: EU foreign ministers impose new sanctions on Iran citing Iran's refusal to negotiate over its nuclear program. The sanctions include a ban on the import of Iranian oil. (CNN)

Blackberry: Co-chief executives Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie have stepped down in a shake-up. (BBC)

Special Investigative Committee: Miranda July called before Congress to explain exactly what her whole thing is. (The Onion)

What Are They, Maniacs?: Get ready for Flashdance - The Musical. (EW)

Oh Hell Yes: J Mascis bobblehead. (Pitchfork)

Oh Hell Yes II: Dwight Schrute's 13 Best Moments. (BuzzFeed)

Hello Trivia Nights: The 10 most expensive books in the world. (Flavorpill)