Person, Place or Thing with Steph DeRosa: Awesome toffee

By Steph DeRosa on February 8, 2012

THING: Mom's Buttery Soft Toffee

AKA: Heaven's toffee

I just: Named it that

Because: This toffee

Proves: There is a God

Toffee made by: Momi Bowles

Since: 2009

Only: Seasonally

Beginning: September

Ending: February

You're going to hate me. I just know it. That is, if you don't already hate me for the many various reasons one might develop a disliking for my abrasive and often tacky charm.

I've known of Momi Bowles and her UH-MAZE-ING handmade toffee - which goes by the name Mom's Buttery Soft Toffee - since 2010. I'm sorry to just now be telling you about it.

I'm also sorry to tell you that Bowles' toffee-making season ends at the end of February.

I swear, I haven't been trying to keep this toffee secret all to myself. It's more of a keen example of my extreme laziness. Read my full feature on the toffee here.