MORNING SPEW: Marriage Equality Act, Santorum in the house, Skeeter update ...

By Volcano Staff on February 13, 2012


Marriage Equality Act: Not everyone will be happy today. (News Tribune)

GOP Presidential Race Vs. South Sound: Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum will check out the Washington History Museum tonight. (News Tribune)

Skeeter Update: Apparently he didn't know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. (News Tribune)

Sea-Tac Airport: Say goodbye to the 1950s. (Seattle PI)

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Blames Iran after bombers apparently targeted diplomats in India and Georgia, injuring four. (BBC)

Whitney Houston's Death Update: Coroners on Sunday completed an autopsy on Houston, who was found dead Saturday in her suite in the upscale Beverly Hilton hours before she was to attend a pre-Grammy Awards bash at the hotel. (CNN)

Grammy Awards: Whitney remembered, Adele wins big. (CNN)

Saturday Night Live With Zooey Deschanel: The best and worst. (Flavorwire)

Celebrities: Photo gallery showing their real names. (Huffington Post)

No-Holds-Barred Laptop: Origin EON17-X. (Gizmodo)