5 Things To Do Today: "The Survivors" reception, Raekwon, Spring Rockcital, pops concert and more ...

By Volcano Staff on March 25, 2012

SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2012 >>>

1. Hollywood has been responsible for some classic songs over the years - the combination of cinema and soundtrack joining forces to create a truly indelible moment. Today, coloratura soprano Diane Penning will be welcomed to Tacoma by the Tacoma Symphony Orchestra for a presentation of POPS: Hollywood's Greatest Melodies - a show featuring songs from Hollywood classics like Mary Poppins, Phantom of the Opera, Papa's Delicate Condition, West Side Story, The King and I, Porgy and Bess and Victor Herbert's Enchantress.

2. Tacoma artist Lynn Di Nino and her team of stalwart archeologists have found buried Hostess cupcakes under the ice in Antarctica. Tons and tons of cupcakes and other Hostess products, plus many other consumer products that have been popular throughout most of our lives. Those damn cupcakes last forever, and that's the point of their art-as-archeology exhibition, The Survivors, which has a reception today from 1-5 p.m. at Flow Gallery in the Tacoma Dome District. Read Alec Clayton's review of The Survivors in the Arts section at weeklyvolcano.com.

3.Olympia will be blessed with an East Coast legend tonight when Wu Tang Clan member Raekwon hits the state capitol for the first time, playing the Royal Lounge.  Since officially joining Wu Tang in 1992, over the years Raekwon has become one of the more recognized names in the group and continues to consistently release his Mafioso style of hip-hop. 

4. It's an all-ages bonanza today at Jazzbones as the Spring Rockcital, featuring Diet Love, Le Pomme De Terre, Selling Out Seattle, Nuclear Weapons, Angry Beavers, Gelatin, Case Of Fire, Thirty Years After, Shadow Sythe and Pain Haunts Me. It all starts at 2 p.m.

5. Glasses Malone will be all up in the Backstage Bar and Grill at the end of Sixth Avenue. Here's what Volcano hip-hop columnist Josh Rizeberg has to say about.

LINK: More arts and entertainment events in the South Sound

LINK: Live music tonight in the South Sound

LINK: The Weekend Hustle