Comment of the Day: In Jack Connelly's corner

By Volcano Staff on March 26, 2012


Today's comment of the day comes from TheRealTruth who chimes in on the chatter revolving around a blog post on Jack Connelly's campaign kickoff at the LeMay Museum.

TheRealTruth writes,

I hope that people do learn about Jack Connelly. He has been a fighter for women's rights. Today Division I of the Court of Appeals put out a decision upholding a case he won on behalf of a woman who had been killed in a domestic violence situation after obtaining an anti harassment order. He took the case on behalf of her two daughters to prevent similar domestic violence deaths in the future. Jack also recently represented a lesbian woman who had been severely injured up in Seattle. Even more importantly, Jack is exceptionally strong on the issues that matter to the residents of this District – education, jobs and the economy. I hope you also learn the truth as Jack will be an outstanding Senator for this District.