MORNING SPEW: It snowed again, SWAT in Lacey, drink with George Clooney ...

By Volcano Staff on March 22, 2012


Snow: Oh, sure. (News Tribune)

The World Is Going Bonkers, Part 54: SWAT in Lacey. (News Tribune)

Puyallup City Council: It has entered the red-light camera think tank. (News Tribune)

When Terrorist Die: Police burst into the apartment of a suspected militant accused of killing 7 people, prompting a shootout that ended with Mohammed Merah, gun in hand, jumping out a window to his death. (CNN)

Checking In with The Supreme Court: Because about 95 percent of criminal convictions arise from guilty pleas, two Supreme Court decisions represent a vast expansion of judicial supervision of the criminal justice system. (The New York Times)

Male Baldness: It's all about key protein called prostaglandin D synthase, which are elevated in the cells of hair follicles located in bald patches on the scalp, but not in hairy areas. (CNN)

Oh, Goodie: Are you excited about the remastered Smiths albums? (Paste Magazine)

This Cinco De Mayo: Drink with George Clooney. (New York Daily News)

Cyndi Lauper: She has a new reality show. (Vulture)

How Do You Know It's Spring?: These 18 photos will tell you. (Pleated Jeans)

AquaDom: The Radisson Blue Hotel in Berlin-Mitte, German is home to one of the most spectacular pieces of architecture. (Inthralld)

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