Morning Spew: Tiger beat, healthcare fallout, 'Anchorman 2,' movies as code ...

By Volcano Staff on March 29, 2012


Dale Washam Vs. Pierce County Ethics Commission: The News Tribune covered the public hearing in which Washam denied using public resources to unseat county prosecutor Mark Lindquist. (News Tribune)

Tiger Beat: Meet Malosi the Sumatran tiger this morning at the Point Defiance Zoo. (News Tribune)

Another Rich Guy Goes Diving: Amazon's Jeff Bezos wants to dive for an Apollo 11 engine. (The Guardian)

Obamacare Vs. Supreme Court: Parties brace for fallout in Court's ruling on healthcare. (The New York Times)

Hey, Aqualung!: Anchorman 2 gets the green light. (Coming Soon)

Dance Party USA, 1989: Nine Inch Nails was on it. (stereogum)

Ron Swanson Group Hug: Why everyone loves him so. (Los Angeles Times)

Movies As Code: Unfortunately, no one can be told what a movie is. You have to see it for yourself. (Movies As Code)

What A Soul-crushing Witch!