Sexy glass blowers ... oh yeah!

By Steph DeRosa on May 23, 2012

As I approached my vehicle after lunching with Alicia Lawver a few weeks ago, I couldn't help but take notice of four sexy glass blowers from Tacoma Glass Blowing Studio as they dined out in the sun.

They all though I was crazy for asking to take their picture, but obviously used to the attention.  After all, being sexy glass blowers must take a toll on your body from posing for constant photographs.  Not to mention the extremely high temperatures they must endure, spinning wads of melted that very, very hot sexy...

Weekly Volcano World Headquarters poo-pooed my suggestion to add a "Most Sexy Glass Blower" to the voting poll this year, but that's not going to stop me from presenting my own personal sexy award.

Feel free to check out these sexy artists as their work is highlighted throughout the summer at Tacoma Glass Blowing Studio and during Tacoma's Third Thursday Art Walk.

Billy Carson- June

Jake Merrritt - July

Brian Farmer - August

Chris Downing - September

If you dare to turn your own artistic ways towards sexy glass blowing, experience it yourself by creating glass art with the help of one of those sexy glass blowing guys.  No experience necessary, appointments needed, sexiness optional.