5 Things To Do Today: Scrabble Tourney, Greta Jane Quartet, Plant Skool, Drunken Poetry, Clouded Leopard Cubs

By Nikki Talotta on August 6, 2012

1. Scrabble Tournament at Le Voyeur. 40 entries. Only one walks with the $100 cash prize. Hosted by Trivia-Newton John and Gary Keys. Drunk spelling competition at it's finest. 8:30p.m. sign in. 9p.m. start. 404 4th Ave, Olympia. 360.943.5710.

2. The Greta Jane Quartet is back for an evening of classic voacl jazz at the Royal. The Greta Jane Quartet features the lovely Greta Jane on vocals, Vince Brown on guitar, Cary Black on Bass, and Andrew Dorsett on Keyboard. Mad Tacos on site 7-10. $5, The Royal Lounge, 311 Capitol Way, Olympia, 360.705.0760.

3. Plant Skool: Karl Faler hosts a monthly ethno-botanical seminar series with guest experts on the culture, propagation, and uses of a variety of plants traditionally used by Native Americans. 2-4p.m. Native Quest, 2354 Jefferson Ave, Tacoma, 253.627.8033

4. Readings operate on a first-come first-serve sign-up basis. Time is limited so something in the ballpark of three poems of moderate length or one long poem and one short from each reader. Buying of drinks for the Designated Drunk is encouraged. Make it good because submissions will be considered for publication on the blogs and anthologized in a chapbook published quarterly by Last Word Press. Hours may vary without meaning or purpose. And, conveniently enough, the poetry reading will stagger off stage just in time for everyone to stumble over to Jazz Night at the Royal to tie a few more on, moron! 7:30-9:30p.m., Last Word Books, 211 4th Ave, Olympia, 360.786.9673.

5. Come see the new clouded leopard cubs at Point Defiance Zoo! Stop by the new cub den at the Cats of the Canopy exhibit and observe the clouded leopard cubs. There will be daily scheduled cub feedings at 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, 5400 North Pearl St.,Tacoma, 253.591.5368.