Fall Gardening - Tips from a pro

By Volcano Staff on September 28, 2012

The forecast for the next few days calls for mostly sunny skies with the temperature hovering around 70 degrees. What a great time to get outside for some fall gardening.

We spoke with Gabe Valbert, owner of Gardensphere, an urban gardening resource store in Tacoma, about what should be done in the vegetable and flower garden this time of year.

“Right now through the end of October is a great time to plant garlic and shallots,” said Valbert.

Other parts of the vegetable garden need attention to prepare for the upcoming winter months.

“Try to rip out everything that looks tired,” advised Valbert. “Then you can either plant a crop cover (from seed) that will grow all winter and you can work back into the soil in spring, or you can leave it alone and make sure to blend in fertilizer and compost before planting.”

For guaranteed color in spring, plant bulbs such as daffodils, tulips and hyacinths along borders, in beds or containers. Now through early November is the best time to plant these pleasant flowers that will bloom year after year.

Tips on planting bulbs?

“Every bulb needs a different depth,” said Valbert. “Make sure you read the package.”

“Also mix in a high phosphorous fertilizer such as bulb food or fish bone meal to ensure lots of color.”