Oktoberfest at Katie Downs

By Kristin Kendle on October 16, 2012

And you thought Oktoberfest was over. As long as brats and beer are produced in this world, you can indulge your every German whim somewhere. Friday, October 19, from 6 to 10 p.m. celebrate Oktoberfest at Katie Downs on Tacoma's Waterfront.

For your German entertainment purposes, the Gary Hausam Band will be in the house to cater to your oompa-music needs. There may be a chicken dance in there somewhere, too.

For your German dining purposes, there will be a special menu of Oktoberfest delights, including a German sausage chowder, bratwurst and giant pretzels. There will also be two or three Oktoberfest beers on tap. Of course, the regular menu is also still available.

If German food and music just isn't enough to turn your torque, there will also be door prizes and no cover charge.