COMMENT OF THE DAY: Peeking over the Olympia Film Society fence

By Volcano Staff on November 2, 2012


Yesterday's comment of the day comes from Great Job who is a little upset over a summer hire at the Olympia Film Society, an organization set on mending fences.

Great Job writes,

Well, they did a great job fixing the situation, because in July they hired Thom Mayes. If anyone had taken the time to check the Lincoln Theatre's 990, a nonprofit's tax return that you can find for free at, you'd see that Thom left the Lincoln Theatre as their executive director, $50,000 in debt. Debt they did not have prior to Thom's appointment to the organization. Since then, he's jumped positions a few times in a few years, and his background in administration, outside of being an artist, consists of telemarketing for the Seattle opera. I'm not sure why arts organizations are so set to fail. There are so many good, strong, solid people out there and yet, they continue to hire people with little relevant experience, shaky job records and those who leave organizations in worse financial positions than they were found. So, great luck OFS--you'll need it!