PHOTOS: The night before Thanksgiving in Tacoma

By Volcano Staff on November 23, 2012


Sure, the night before Thanksgiving's ideal for holiday meal prep, but who wanted to chill with a dead bird on one of the biggest party nights in Tacoma? Granny handled the stuffing just fine.

There's no time like the night before Thanksgiving to reconnect with friends over a cold one. The unofficial holiday has become the excuse of the year to hit the bars, mostly because friends and family who've moved out of town are back to visit for the holidays.

The Weekly Volcano dropped in on several parties Wednesday night: Kim Archer Band performing at the mustache party inside The Hub, the 253Heart Music Festival stages at the Harmon Tap Room, the 253Heart DJ night at Dorky's Arcade and Doyle's Bad Sweater Party, which was completely packed with gawd awful clothing choices.

LINK: More shots from the mustache party at The Hub

LINK: More shots from Wednesday's 253Heart Music Festival

LINK: More shots from Doyle's Bad Sweater Party