5 Things To Do Today: Comedian Jay Hollingsworth, pole dancing and rock, holiday events ...

By Volcano Staff on December 30, 2012

SUNDAY, DEC. 30 2012 >>>

1. The Weekly Volcano has a humble mission. We only want to be your conscience; we only want to influence everything you do. To entertain yourself, that is. Now, we have been talking among ourselves, and we have reached a decision about what you should do Sunday night. Every week we watch you tell lies around town. You don't just love it. You won't start working on it ASAP. You didn't send the email. So we have decided you need to know what's true and what's not. At 8 p.m. the Tacoma Comedy Club hosts Jay Hollingsworth's True Comedy Show. Immediately following each comedian's act, Hollingsworth will probe the comics with questions to reveal what's true and what's fiction in their material. We suggest you attend.

2. The Model Train Festival - downtown Tacoma's biggest model railroad exposition (taking into account, of course, the relatively small size of the subjects at hand because they are, of course, models) - runs through Jan. 1. Every floor of the Washington State History Museum will be filled with operating modular layouts. 

3. Harlequin Productions brings A Christmas Survival Guide to the stage one last time at 2 p.m. It plays to Harlequin's principal strengths: live pop music, technical design and intelligence (in no particular order). It also introduces diminutive spitfire Amy Shephard, newly returned from grad school at Exeter, to the Harlequin stage, where she joins revue regulars Antonía Darlene and Christian Doyle. Read Christian Carvajal's full review of A Christmas Survival Guide in the Weekly Volcano's Arts section.

4. You're sick and tired of driving through the neighborhood looking at the homes of people who think they deserve an award for their light displays. You deserve to take a night to go see ZooLights at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. Billed as the region's biggest walk-through light show, ZooLights includes animated light sculptures, live entertainment, snacks, animal encounters and the Paul Titus Carousel. While enjoying your stroll, be thankful you're not in charge of this holiday light display. The lights flip on at 5 p.m.

5. The poster for LyonPride Music's 13th Annual Holiday Bash shows a topless woman in a Santa hat riding another topless woman dress as a reindeer. Exactly what goes down tonight at The Backstage Bar and Grill is unknown. What is certain is the Mentor, Coven and The Dead Hookers will rock it, World Champion Pole Dancer Pantera Blacksmith with work it and there will be prizes for tattoos and raffles. Something will happen beginning at 7 p.m.

LINK: Sunday, Dec. 30 arts and entertainment events in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area