Was Awesomeparty2012 awesome?

By Nikki McCoy on December 15, 2012


How was last night's Awesomeparty2012?

The Weekly Volcano asked local guitarist Dave Takata for a behind the scenes take on the big shindig last night at The New Frontier Lounge.

Well, since I don't like company Krampus parties, I dubbed this my Krampus party (in my head mind you) and let me say it lived up to it's name...AWESOME! Cody and Reno were awesome (I don't think I did too well myself...), Elliot Greenman's film was brilliant. The Hammer KILLED IT! They even let me do a song with them for old time's sake. SCOOTERHORSEY. SCOOTERHORSEY. SCOOTERHORSEY. If you weren't there, WOW. Seriously, best band I've seen in a LONG TIME! NO JOKE. FUCKING BRILLIANT! AND I GOT TO FEEL UP ANOTHER DUDE'S OLD LADY!! WOW!! BIG TITTIES IN MAH HAND! I'm not sure what that says about me when another man willingly let's me fondle his girlfriend's breasts, in public. Awesomeness all around last night....

Was Awesomeparty2012 awesome for you, too?