Scholarship available for young cartoon artist

By Volcano Staff on March 12, 2013


Students looking for scholarship money don't need to tape their breasts and smear Vaseline on their teeth. They don't need to cinch their waists. And they certainly don't need to prove they can balance a book on their heads while walking a straight line.

They do need to be able to doodle well in said book.

The Cartoonist's League of Absurd Washingtonians - a group of cartoonists that dress women in tight superhero costumes to act out their fantasies - offers a yearly scholarship to college students who demonstrate carton-drawing brilliance.

It seems like yesterday when CLAW doled out its first scholarship - $368 in 2010.

This year, the Tacoma-based art organization has $1,059.10 stuffed in its Crayola 64 box, ready to award it to a budding talent. That is, if CLAW receives an applicant.

According to C.L.A.W. scholarship hype. ...

With the deadline of March 15th only a week away The CLAW has yet to get a single application. We ask that you share this link with students you know who are trying to master the glorious technique of sequential art. The scholarship is awarded based on artistic merit, wit, and whims of the judges.

Applicants must:

  • Provide evidence they are enrolled in college.
  • They are capable of filling out a form and following its instructions.
  • Have a letter of recommendation
  • Show samples of their cartoon brilliance.
  • Applications can be downloaded from the CLAW Student Scholarship Page. See past winners too!
  • Great Bluto's beard! Don't let this money be spent on more fezes for the CLAW membership. Put it in the hands of a talented kid. Spread the word. Click the link to CLAW's scholarship page, print the applications and slide them under windshield wipers in your neighborhood. It could be some kid's density!