5 Things To Do Today: Old school R&B night, downtown meetup, trivia for dorks, Sabrina Chap and more ...

By Volcano Staff on April 24, 2013

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 2013 >>>

1. Slip on your Cleopatra Jones afro or your dad's toupee and slide on over to The Brotherhood Lounge for a night of old school R&B, funk and soul with DJs Whistle Punk and Paul Shrug. Beginning at 8 p.m. the Broho will be full of rubbery grooves, slick licks and hi-tech keys caked in stardust. Expect booty-shakers, heart-breakers, spinal-cord-manipulators and epidermis-manglers in the form of rare and popular selections from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and, wait for it, 1980s. It's gonna be more fun than selling fake insurance on closeout cell phones at a mid-mall kiosk.

2. Downtown Tacoma residents are encouraged to gather at 7 p.m. inside The Social Bar and Grill to celebrate their urbaness. It's a chance for condo and apartment dwellers to meet their neighbors and hug it out over street projects, parking issues, light rail schedules and new crepe businesses. Expect door prizes and good conversation.

3. In 2011, Weekly Volcano readers voted the Top of Tacoma Bar and Cafe the best bar in Tacoma. This was due in no small part to their well drink Wednesdays. Two dollar well drinks after 7 p.m. Are you kidding? That's, like, riding the train to funkytown for only eight bucks. Yes, please. The kitchen stays open to midnight. Choo, choooo!

4. Held every Wednesday at 8 p.m., Trivia for Dorks is a free, all-ages affair at Dorky's Arcade in downtown Tacoma. Sure, the prizes are nice, but even better is dropping your win at your next round table D & D discussion.

5. When you build your act and your music around theatricality, you quickly realize after making a few recordings that there is eventually no place to go but bigger and bigger. More hooks, more color, more eccentricity. Sabrina Chap has backed herself against this wall, but she continues to imbue her music with as much flair as one can muster. She performs at 10 p.m. with Romanteek at Le Voyeur.

LINK: Wednesday, April 24 arts and entertainment events in the greater TAcoma and Olympia area