5 Things To Do Today: "Alien" vs. Dr. Jim Gawel, Forbidden Planet vs. Dr. Prospero, Champagne Sunday and more ...

By Volcano Staff on May 29, 2013

WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 2013 >>>

1. The Grand Cinema teaches science in a different way: First it secures a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation to pair films with lessons in science. Next, it invites notable figures from the world of science, technology and medicine to give introduction lessons using those long pointer sticks to tap the screen while nodding their heads. Each film is used as a jumping off point for the speaker to reveal current scientific research or technological advances, providing the perfect combination of entertainment and enlightenment - even for the most science-phobic culture vulture. Then, of course, everyone watches the film, paying close attention to key factor brought to light by the big brains before the screening. Science on Screen kicks off at 6:45 p.m. with Dr. Jim Gawel, professor of Environmental Engineering and Environmental Chemistry at the University of Washington Tacoma, who will discuss how the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens completely changed the ecosystem and chemistry of Spirit Lake. Afterward, he'll grab some popcorn and watch Alien with the audience. Read Pappi Swarner's full feature on Science on Screen in Northwest Military's Music & Culture section.

2. Pierce College Theatre blasts off on a rock-and-roll flight to Return to the Forbidden Planet, a family-friendly musical that tells the story of mad scientist Doctor Prospero who unknowingly jettisoned into space with his infant daughter, crashes into D’Illyria, the Forbidden Planet, and the adventure begins. The play features a 35-member cast of Pierce students and community members, a live band and professionally designed costumes - at 7 p.m. on its Fort Steilacoom campus.

3. Weekly Volcano readers voted the Top of Tacoma Bar and Cafe the best bar in Tacoma. This was due in no small part to its well drink Wednesdays. Two dollar well drinks after 7 p.m. Are you kidding? That's, like, riding the train to funkytown for only eight bucks. Yes, please. The kitchen stays open to midnight. Choo, choooo!

4. Champagne Sunday brings its powerful, honest, edgy and refreshingly original rock music to Cork Wine Bar at 8 p.m.

5. Play bingo with those not just killing time before the Grim Reaper calls their number. At 9 p.m. in The New Frontier, bingo players are treated to a rather boisterous evening of number calling. The music rocks, the prizes are craptastic and there's something very satisfying about yelling, "It's not a tumor!" when B-9 is pulled from the hopper (Schwarzenegger anyone?).

LINK: Wednesday, May 29 arts and entertainment events in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area