5 Things To Do Today: Handmade Motion Graphics Spectacle, The Coats, Jim Page, comedy show and more ...

By Volcano Staff on July 24, 2013

WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 2013 >>>

1. Film is called a medium, but mainstream filmmakers don't employ it in the manner of other artistic media like oils or clay. That's been left to art-film craftsmen like Devon Damonte, who's currently exhibiting handmade, camera-free movie film loops and related graphalia homages and maps to Olympia's historic "Marker Trees," The Hard Rubber Washi Company and others in his "What's the Rub?" show at Northern in downtown Olympia. Damonte and Ruth Hayes taught an animation class this summer at The Evergreen State College and the last day of class culminates with a handmade motion graphics show and party at 7 p.m. in Northern. Expect well-established avant-garde techniques like montage and fast-motion. Don't blink.

2. Pint Defiance hosts Bellingham brewery Boundary Bay for tastes and giggles. Founded in 1995, the brewery has become synonomous with its hometown, and continues to churn out awesome beers at a breakneck pace. From 5-7 p.m. raffle prizes, Imperial IPA, Single Hop Pale and more.

3. Continuing its tour of free area music in the park type summer events, this week the Volcano's girlfriend-activity Doppler highlights Tunes @ Tapps, a weekly musical gathering in Bonney Lake that happens every Wednesday through Aug. 28. At 6:30 p.m. Tunes @ Tapps welcomes The Coats, a vocal band born in front of the cinnamon rolls vendor at Seattle's famous Pike Place Market.

4. Vinum Lounge hosts a comedy show every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. According to our calendar, Reggie X, DD and Ms. Genesis Grizzly will add laughs to the joint at 8:30 p.m. Hosted by Ashyknlicks, and introducing DJ IC, expect a comedy show as interesting as the participants' names.

5. More than anything else, singer songwriter Jim Page is a walkin', singin' acerbic commentary on life.  His lyrical style resembles that of Arlo Guthrie or Bruce Springsteen; rock words trapped inside a folk singer's music. You can't ignore his direct style and compelling message.  Open your ears and mind at 7 p.m. when Page performs at A Rhapsody In Bloom on Tacoma's Sixth Avenue.

LINK: Wednesday, July 24 arts and entertainment events in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area