5 Things To Do Today: Afternoon delight, Gritty City Gift Fair, "Nutcracker," Steve Cooley and more ...

By Volcano Staff on December 22, 2013

SUNDAY, DEC. 22 2013 >>>

1. The "War on Christmas" decried by Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly isn't evident in South Sound theater, which is producing a rich variety of appropriately jolly and family-friendly shows for the holiday season. Four out of the seven current productions end this afternoon. Weekly Volcano theater critics Joann Varnell and Christian Carvajal chime in with their thoughts on the productions here.

2. The only time we were forced to walk through that new H&M store in the mall we started to feel queasy, claustrophobic and like we were going to karate chop the next person we saw with a stupid bleach pattern on their jeans in the throat. Just because it's the holiday season doesn't mean anyone should have to go through this. Check out the Jada-Moon Gridley-created Gritty City Gift Fair, where local artists and crafters will offer their one-of-a-kind fairs for all from 3-8 p.m. at Fulcrum Gallery. Expect re-purposed silk, cashmere and wool to recyled silver and pearls, fashion, reclaimed wood, forged steel, sparkling gems, feathers, ceramics, glass and more.

3. Pacific Church in East Tacoma hosts "Gospel Christmas - a Christmas Musical Celebration" at 6:30 p.m. with a soulful sound and a timely message. After the show, enjoy the spirit of giving at "The Jesus Christmas Shop" stocked with a myriad of children's toys, winter coats and holiday groceries all for needy families.

4. Just as surely that every December stockings will be hung, malls will become volatile swarms of madness and It's a Wonderful Life will clog television schedules, The Nutcracker will be performed at local venues - including at 7 p.m. in Mt. Tahoma High school by the Washington Contemporary Ballet. Set to Tchaikovsky's most famous composition, the classic ballet about a little girl and a magical toy that comes to life one fateful Christmas Eve is as timeless as a sunset, and the WCB has been staging the ballet since 1998. So pack up the family and enjoy a night of sugar-plum fairies and rat kings. It's a holiday tradition that's as constant as getting handmade socks from Grandma. Tacoma City Ballet ends its Nutcracker run at 3 p.m. in the Pantages Theater.

5. Steve Cooley & The Dangerfields will fill The Spar in Old Town Tacoma with rockin' blues beginning at 7 p.m.

PLUS: Holiday Events Calendar

PLUS: South Sound Holiday Command Center

LINK: Saturday, Dec. 21 arts and entertainment events in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area