National Salute to Veteran Patients Week is on!

By Northwest Military News Team on February 10, 2014

This week the nation's lawmakers are weighing a plan to reverse a recently passed cut to military pensions as the price for increasing the government's borrowing cap. The cuts to cost-of-living pension increases for military retirees under the age of 62 were part of December's budget agreement. Obviously, it sparked an uproar among advocates for veterans.

Speaking of this week and veterans, it's National Salute to Veteran Patients Week as VA facilities across America salute the men and women in our care with Valentines and free concerts and an invitation to you to volunteer. The purpose of the program is to:

During the National Salute, VA invites individuals, Veterans groups, military personnel, civic organizations, businesses, schools, local media, celebrities and sports stars to participate in a variety of activities at the VA medical centers.

The Salute to Veteran Patients is an annual event started in 1974 by No Greater Love, Inc., a humanitarian organization. In 1978, VA took over events, and gave it the now-familiar name. Its connection to Valentine's Day inspired the late columnist Ann Landers to start the "Valentines for Vets" program in 1989.

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