Friday Morning Joe: Sex assault anger, Russia in Latin America, military awards overhaul, "Star Trek 3" spoiler...

By Northwest Military News Team on March 21, 2014


Military under fire after sex assault rulings.

Russia's military maneuvers in Crimea have left U.S. analysts questioning what sort of threat the former Cold War military giant's forces, platforms and weaponry currently present.

U.S. President Barack Obama threatened sanctions against Moscow's defense sector.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is quietly seeking a foothold in Latin America.

Crazy Talk: Iran is building a nonworking mock-up of an American nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that U.S. officials say may be intended to be blown up for propaganda value.

U.S. Navy needs more ships.

Another legislative proposal has been introduced to ward off cuts in commissary funding - at least until the commission that is studying all military compensation completes its work.

Lt. Gen. Joseph E. Martz, a top architect for the Army budget, says training takes top priority in budget decisions.

VA-DoD common records system may still be possible.

The Army Reserve is taking a step toward embedding master fitness trainers into its units.

The vexing question of how to honor drone pilots and cyberwarriors is prompting a Pentagon-level review of the entire military awards system.

Roomscan automatically generates floorplans by simply tapping your phone on every wall.

14 radical skyscrapers that are more than just buildings.

Spoiler Alert: Clues about the storyline for Star Trek 3.

Here's a peek at Jaime's golden hand on Game of Thrones.

Indiewire talks to Jello Biafra in light of his appearance on Portlandia.

List: Best Muppet movie cameos.

Finally: 30 Iconic Music Artists Recreated in Lego.

Let's watch a badass in slow motion.