Monday Morning Joe: Koreas exchange fire, secret warplanes, Killers in Kiev, Army artillery amps up, future climate report, whaling ...

By Northwest Military News Team on March 31, 2014


Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are advancing far different proposals on how to calm tensions and de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine as Russia continues to mass troops along its border with the former Soviet republic.

America's secret weapon to stop Russia.

North and South Korea fired artillery shells into each other's waters today, a flare-up of animosity between the rivals that forced residents of five front-line South Korean islands to evacuate to shelters.

Taliban gunmen abducted a candidate running for a seat in a provincial council in northern Afghanistan and seven members of his entourage.

Japan and the United States plan to create a permanent consultative body to coordinate the operations of the Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military in the face of China's highhanded actions over the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture.

33,000 troops to go: Marine Brig. Gen. Daniel O'Donohue outlines Afghanistan drawdown.

Photographs expose Russian-trained killers in Kiev.

Secret warplane appears over Texas.

U.S. Army field artillery is preparing for future wars by returning to Cold War-era tactics supplemented by modern, mobile technology.

The Pentagon's five-year projections for procurement spending on its 63 major weapons programs, submitted to Congress this month, has turned more positive than last year's spending forecast.

The first week of April will be a critical one for what has been a relatively drama-free armored vehicle program for the U.S. Army.

Mustache March ends, but controversy lingers.

Your forecast for the next century: It'll be hotter, drier and hungrier, and the chance to turn down the thermostat is slipping away.

Yes, Louie's back!

Celebrate Jeopardy!'s 50th with these facts about the show.

List: Simpsons Easter eggs you might've missed.

Watch a new trailer for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

A simple flowchart to work out if you should take a selfie.

Here's that giant David Hasselhoff on wheels you asked for.

Forget twerking and planking.  Whaling's the new in thing.