Tuesday Morning Joe: South China Seas squabble, Spec. Ops in Africa, new Army mask, Optimus Prime bunk bed ...

By Northwest Military News Team on May 27, 2014


Ukrainian forces fought with separatists in Donetsk for a second day, after inflicting heavy losses on the rebels. 

Vietnam and China traded accusations today over who was the aggressor in a clash that led to the sinking of a Vietnamese fishing boat in the South China Sea.

Lawmakers are introducing measures to ensure the White House keeps a close watch on Moscow.

U.S. Special Operations troops are forming elite counterterrorism units in four countries in North and West Africa that American officials say are pivotal in the widening war against Al Qaeda's affiliates and associates on the continent.

The rollout of the Army's new gas mask is underway, but researchers already have plans for the next-gen model: An integrated mask-helmet design with a battery-powered, fan-driven air filtration system.

Prodded by Congress, the Pentagon has promised a better count of its bullets and missiles.

Lawmakers are sounding the alarm over Russia's arms control commitments and introducing measures to ensure the White House keeps a close watch on Moscow.

Special Report: Arlington National Cemetery, like you've been seen it before

Cases involving the appeal of veterans benefits rulings take almost 19 months to resolve, Department of Veterans Affairs records show, and advocates say the crush of new claims is hurting older veterans.

Interview: Eric Fanning, U.S. Air Force undersecretary

Interview: Adm. Robert Papp, U.S. Coast Guard commandant

This bunk bed sofa out-transforms even Optimus Prime.

Flash flood inundates city in just five minutes.

If Darth Vadar had a car, it would be this Cadillac.

Swallows learn to open automatic doors to create nests inside a parking garage.

7-Eleven has jumped on the mustache bandwagon.

It seems the British aren't fans of Macaulay Culkin's band.

What?: Margaret Cho and Fred Armisen chat with Bob Mould in this video.

Finally: The most iconic fast-food chains in each state.

Finally: Doughnuts that look like people.

Time to go back to work ...

LINK: Original photo by Staff Sgt. Johnathan Hoover