Wednesday Morning Joe: Really scary Syrians, urban warfare 2035, drone debate, robots with morals, "Game of Thrones" cats ...

By Northwest Military News Team on May 14, 2014


A nightmare group in Syria could target the U.S.

The escalating sanctions war between the U.S. and Russia has claimed its latest victim, with potentially devastating long-term implications for the sole provider of military launch for the US Air Force.

Rockets are raining down on bases in Afghanistan as the Taliban's fighting season begins, and one military officer is taking extra precautions while he dodges the incoming fire.

Urban warfare 2035: The U.S. Army prepares for combat - physical and cyber - in the megacity of the future.

The Pentagon has cleared a nearly $1 billion package of aircraft trainers, surveillance aerostats and up-armored Humvees for the Iraqi military.

The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee will reject a plan approved by its House counterpart to use emergency funding to keep alive the A-10 attack plane.

U.S. Air Force is looking to cut the number of UAV combat air patrols from 65, a number required under Defense Secretary Robert Gates, to 55.

Report: U.S. military needs more drones, not better ones.

A federal judge has tossed out most of the lawsuits filed against the Defense Department over the theft of personal data belonging to 4.9 million Tricare beneficiaries.

Former Sgt. Kyle White became the nation's newest Medal of Honor recipient.

Medal of Honor recipient's former commander recalls his heroism.

A Fort Campbell active duty officer entered a guilty plea to stealing the identity of other soldiers, applying for loans and using the money for his personal benefit.

The country's largest student loan providers will pay out $60 million to U.S. troops and veterans for unfair lending practices under a proposed settlement announced by the Justice and Education departments.

Pentagon is trying to transfer convicted national security leaker Pvt. Chelsea Manning to a civilian prison so she can get treatment for her gender disorder.

Now the military is going to build robots that have morals.

Life after email at DoD.

The world's heaviest-drinking nations, ranked.

Find some comfort and inspiration in these gorgeous personal libraries.

The Harry Potter spinoff trilogy, Fantastic Beasts, arrives in theaters in 2016.

Wedge Antilles has retired to some ranch across the galaxy border.

Wedding anniversary gift exchange ends with the wife giving the best present any man can get: A fully functional Millennium Falcon.

This cute little kid is better at doing yo-yo tricks than you are at doing anything.

Finally: All the most important Batmobiles in one handy chart.

Finally: It's the Game of Thrones characters as cats.

SPOILERS: It doesn't end well. ...

LINK: Original photo by Sgt. Nicolas A. Cloward