Tuesday Morning Joe: $1 billion security, scary Chinese missiles, Bergdahl investigation, D-Day anniversary, OS X Yosemite ...

By Northwest Military News Team on June 3, 2014


President Obama said he will ask Congress for $1 billion to bolster security for Poland and other nations in Europe in light of Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers.

The Department of Veterans Affairs official internal data show it failed to treat three out of five veterans within its 14-day target period for care.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey said today that the Army may pursue an investigation that could lead to desertion charges against Bergdahl.

The White House defended the release of five Guantanamo detainees in exchange for a US soldier held by the Taliban, as many ordinary Afghans criticized the deal for emboldening the militants.

When throngs of people converge along the beaches of Normandy, France, to mark the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings, U.S. soldiers will be there, in dozens of ceremonies and many of them in the most dramatic spectacle on the calendar.

The Air Force announced two major awards, awarding Lockheed Martin the contract for its Space Fence program and Raytheon the winner of its Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T) system.

The Pentagon has ambitious plans to develop a prosthetic for the brain that would restore memory functions.

Computer security experts from academia, industry and the larger security community have organized themselves into more than 30 teams to compete in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Cyber Grand Challenge.

Military fast food fans will benefit from the easing of new Labor Department wage rules that threatened to cause the closure of many such eateries on installations.

Solar roadways will not happen anytime soon.

Roller coaster ride looks like a trip out of this planet.

Nice one, nature!

The brand new OS X Yosemite is perhaps the most dramatic redesign of Apple's operating system to date.

List: Bands that make more than $50,000 a show.

What?: Pamela Anderson appears in Morrissey's new spoken-word video.

College radio is dying - and we need to save it.

Preview Dave Grohl's new HBO series, which coincides with a new Foo Fighters album.

Spin names the best albums of the year so far.

IFC's Garfunkel and Oates series premieres in August.

Gangnam Style broke two billion views on YouTube ...

LINK: Original photo by Army Sgt. Dayan Neely