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2011 HOLIDAY GUIDE THREE: Dorks unite


2011 HOLIDAY GUIDE THREE: Dorks unite

Laura MacCary and husband Joe Benner have a special wish for Christmas - they want to be able to make robots and talk about technology with their fellow dorks in Tacoma. Dork is a term of respect and endearment in Laura and Joe's world, by the way. Especially if said

HOLIDAY GUIDE TWO: An iconoclast's Christmas


HOLIDAY GUIDE TWO: An iconoclast's Christmas

It's hard to decide what to do this time of year. For many people, the holiday season is simple and routine. But for a growing number of people, plain old Christmas doesn't cut it anymore. People are slicing and dicing tradition in larger and larger numbers. Some are tired of

Go Polar


Go Polar

It's time to go polar. Thank the Tacoma Art Museum, Franciscan Health Systems and a bunch of other nice folks who have transformed Tacoma's Tollefson Plaza into a full on Polar Plaza, complete with arts, activities and a covered, open-air ice rink open to anyone brave enough to strap on

HOLIDAY GUIDE ONE: Shift Your Shopping


HOLIDAY GUIDE ONE: Shift Your Shopping

Shift happens. Especially during the holidays. That's the message from local community-building non-profit Go Local Tacoma, as it joins more than 150 communities across North America in the Shift Your Shopping holiday campaign, an unprecedented national effort that encourages residents to take job creation and economic concerns into their own

Costume crunch


Costume crunch

If you haven't started constructing your Halloween persona, it's not too late. Whether you go for the full-blown latex and polyester pre-fab, or make your own from whatever you can find in your basement, Halloween is your big chance to indulge your desire to be someone else. From Joe Paterno

Dark with a heart


Dark with a heart

Julia Jones may have found Tacoma's Halloween Pulse. She's the mind behind Le Noir Bizarre, a three-floor, dark holiday extravaganza happening Sunday, Oct. 30 at Sanford and Son Antiques. Jones has a couple dozen craftspeople, performers and assorted weirdoes lined up for this romanced/goth/steampunk celebration, and promises there will be

Super Best of Tacoma 2011 Readers' Pick Best Local Hero: Vicci Martinez


Super Best of Tacoma 2011 Readers' Pick Best Local Hero: Vicci Martinez

Vicci Martinez is no ordinary hero. She doesn't wear spandex. She doesn't have a cool nickname. She doesn't bend steel or shoot lasers out of her eyes (that I know of). She's not a hero because she got to be on network television. She's not a hero because she came

Lost in space


Lost in space

A handful of local artists are suddenly out of luck as property owners in downtown Tacoma have announced they will stop participating in a program that provided artists with free studio and gallery space. You've likely already seen some of the fruits of the program known as Spaceworks Tacoma -

Be the Spark


Be the Spark

Desmond Tutu is coming to Tacoma. Let that sink in, then consider that the Nobel Peace Prize winner and historic peace activist chose to come to Tacoma as the first of his final two official international appearances before he retires later this year. Winner of the Albert Schweitzer Prize for

Rize up


Rize up

Spending a day with Josh Rizeberg is like a box of chocolates ... no. ... Spending a day with Josh Rizeberg is like watching two wolverines fight in a sleeping bag ... no. ... Spending a day with Josh Rizeberg is like peeing in the hot tub while the ghost

Race + Education


Race + Education

Race + Education = Art. That is how local artists see the controversial issues of race and education - matters they consider too important to leave solely to those in the halls of power. During October, a selection of artists will present their own creative interpretations of how race impacts

Be there or be squared


Be there or be squared

Gary and Deborah Boone could have dropped their new art gallery in the middle of Pioneer Square. But they chose Ledger Square instead. Ledger Square is in Tacoma, by the way. It will soon be home to B2 Fine Art Gallery and Studios. "B2" usually is pronounced "Bee Too".

Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Celebrity, Sweet Pea


Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Celebrity, Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea really is a superhero. In fact, he’s been voted Tacoma’s Best Superhero.  Like most superheroes, sweet pea has a mild-mannered everyday persona. Real superheroes never appear to be superheroes until there’s a crisis. Then they unleash with full force. If they walked around looking all powerful, bad guys

Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Politician, Mayor Marilyn Strickland


Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Politician, Mayor Marilyn Strickland

If Marilyn Strickland could pick a superpower, she would choose mind reading. “I’m very good at understanding what motivates people,” she says. “And you need that to get things moving in politics.” It’s those kinds of honest insights that made Marilyn Strickland the nearly unanimous pick for Best Politician in the Weekly

Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Overall Restaurant, Primo Grill


Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Overall Restaurant, Primo Grill

If you guessed that Primo Grill was going to win Best Overall Restaurant in the Weekly Volcano’s 2010 Best of Tacoma Readers’ Poll, you guessed right. And you knew what was up. The perfect balance is hard to strike in the restaurant business. And it’s different depending on where you

Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Public Art, Graffiti Garages


Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Public Art, Graffiti Garages

Earlier this year a small group of a dozen or so artists celebrated the re-opening of the legendary Broadway graffiti garages. As part of an invitation-only, relatively quiet gathering, graffiti artists from Seattle and Tacoma filled three parking garages with a dozen or so burners (murals). Since then, the walls

Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Pipe/Tobacco Store, The Green Room


Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Best Pipe/Tobacco Store, The Green Room

It’s hard to find a good aromatherapy and herbal/tobacco accessories supply store these days. I mean one that really distinguishes itself. You can walk into any strip mall smoke shop and find an array of strangely-shaped glass smoking accessories. It’s overwhelming, really, the array of options for people who indulge

Best of Tacoma 2010 In Memoriam: Dennis Flannigan


Best of Tacoma 2010 In Memoriam: Dennis Flannigan

Dennis Flannigan is what some of my friends on the East Coast would call a mensch. He would probably disagree with me. That, in part, is why he’s a mensch. Mensch is Yiddish, and it means a kind of stand-up guy. It also means about 50 other things. All of them are

The little mural that could


The little mural that could

I don't believe it. Someone in Tacoma is selling art. A lot of it. And spray paint. A lot of it. Don't sleep on Gallery 38 Art Supply on 38th Avenue. I hope someone has a fit. Because Gallery 38 is a graffiti joint. And they're selling art. I don't believe it.

Do the evolution


Do the evolution

It's that time again. Time to celebrate all the beauty and creativity and funk and goodness that exists between the cracks of urbanity. There are a whole lot of festivals in Tacoma. But only one Urban Art Festival. On the surface, this may look like any other Urban Art Fest

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