In casting that's pure movie heaven, Diane Lane and Kevin Costner play a Montana couple determined to retrieve their young grandson from his stepfather's ruthless family. The rousing, violent and shockingly...
A monster trapped in the digital realm reaches out to an autistic boy through the kid's voice app. This wonderfully twisted horror film features tension-mounting ...
This lovely and moving and witty British drama marked the final lead film role for Sir John Hurt, and it's all the more poignant that ...
The follow-up to the surprise 1996 hit The Craft brings the supernatural drive-in movie thrills galore but also intelligently and respectfully explores a number of ...
Fourteen years after Kazakhstan journalist Borat came to America to make a documentary about our great nation, he's back in the USA - older, dumber, ...
Oscar night parties in the South Sound
Forgive me if I've mentioned this, oh, about a squillion times, but I used to live and work in Hollywood. Most movie and TV studios, ...
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