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3 DRINK MINIMUM: Villa Café and Imbibery


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Villa Café and Imbibery

What the hell is an "imbibery"?  Google, my third best friend ever, tells me to "imbibe" is to either drink something, or to absorb moisture, gas, light or heat.  Thank you, Google - but doesn't one form of imbibing lead to another?  I know for sure after I've had

3 DRINK MINIMUM: Laura's Bayview Bar & Grill


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Laura's Bayview Bar & Grill

  It was during our liquid lunch at the newly opened Laura's Bayview Bar & Grill that Bandito Betty's sister-in-law asked restaurant owner, Laura Carlson, the mysterious question: "I've met you before.  How do we know each other?"  As they squinted at each other in deep contemplation, listing past cities of




Kris Blondin (of "Grocery Stories" fame) is pretty cool. With her friendship comes lots of fun, not to mention a wonderful knowledge of Tacoma, restaurants, wines, and never-ending reminders of how not to take life too seriously.  Her man, Dustin, on the other hand, is a credibly hilarious dude who

3 DRINK MINIMUM: Vinum Coffee and Wine Lounge


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Vinum Coffee and Wine Lounge

Someone recently asked if I visit drinking establishments at the same time of day, every week. They were wondering if I compared the bartenders in equivalent shifts, because theoretically the "best" bartenders work on Friday and Saturday nights. Why would I want to compare a Monday lunch bartender with a Friday

3 DRINK MINIMUM: Jasmine Mongolian Grill


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Jasmine Mongolian Grill

As I was exiting the doors of the Federal Way Commons (formerly known as SeaTac Mall), I noticed a dining establishment taking up an eighth of the block called Jasmine Mongolian Grill.  I was too early to physically open the doors, but I did manage to press my greasy nose

3 DRINK MINIMUM: Primo Grill


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Primo Grill

No polite, legitimate, non-douchey business owner cares what race you are, what religion you fall victim to, or if you make your money workin' the pole in stilettos with a fishbowl in the heel - as long as you're spending that money in their establishment.  Thankfully, the people at Primo

3 DRINK MINIMUM: Harbor Lights


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Harbor Lights

Other than the time an anonymous Weekly Volcano employee pooped on my desk, I have never been more sickened and appalled by something.  That is, until I received notice that Harbor Lights had NOT yet been visited for 3 Drink Minimum.  Yes indeed, my fair alcoholic friends, it was a sad,

3 DRINK MINIMUM: McGrath's Fish House


3 DRINK MINIMUM: McGrath's Fish House

Bartender Tony from McGrath's Fish House has officially made the "Steph DeRosa Top 10 Bartenders" list.  Yes, there is such a list; I would never lie about something like that.  Lie about my age?  Yes.  Lie about how many drinks I've had?  Of course.  But lie about my obscene amount

3 DRINK MINIMUM: Malarkey's Pool and Brew


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Malarkey's Pool and Brew

This southern girl has finally been conditioned to the Pacific Northwest.  I no longer have the local suicide hotline on speed dial, and the carpet has started to perk back up in the corner where I used to curl up and cry for days on end.  That being said, every

3 DRINK MINIMUM: 2121 Tavern


3 DRINK MINIMUM: 2121 Tavern

Inside my driver side car door compartment, shoved alongside crumpled Kleenexes, old gas station receipts, and a few crusty, dried up pens sits my 2010 Entertainment Book.  For years I've ridiculed local cheap-asses and their incessant need to always dine at establishments with a coupon in the Entertainment Book.  Well,




This is hands down, one of my all-time favorite dining establishments. Even after watching the creepiest of documentaries Food, Inc. and subsequently swearing off all recognizable forms of animal muscle for a short while — I still found orgasmic pleasure in the taste of Ranch House’s meat last week.  A

3 DRINK MINIMUM: Johnny's Dock


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Johnny's Dock

The entire Johnny's empire confuses me, I'll admit it.  Though it's not hard to confuse me, when it comes to Tacoma's Johnny's, the gridlock in my brain reaches an all-time high.  One name - "Johnny's" - can encompass all of the following establishments: Johnny's Dock, Johnny's Seafood, Johnny's in Fife,

3 DRINK MINIMUM: 99 Bottles


3 DRINK MINIMUM: 99 Bottles

Not one for hanging out all girly-style, I often find myself amongst men when it comes to social situations.  My few close girlfriends, whom I call "close girlfriends," are labeled as such because they enjoy the same things in a friendship:  no drama, no dumb bitches, and no judgments held. 

3 DRINK MINIMUM: Pomodoro Italian Restaurant


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Pomodoro Italian Restaurant

After an indulgent foodie-filled weekend celebrating The KAke’s 40th birthday, cooking dinner on a Monday evening was the very last thing Mr. DeRosa and I wanted to do.  Although we’re not as old as Tacoma’s newest AARP member, The KAke, our bones were still weary from all the hustle and

3 DRINK MINIMUM: Rock the Dock Pub & Grill


3 DRINK MINIMUM: Rock the Dock Pub & Grill

Last year, after analyzing extensive locally-drawn anonymous polls, I determined The Dock was one of Pierce County’s top dive bars.  Shortly after The Dock achieved their illustrious “Top Dive Bar” status, ownership changed hands from the fine people of Johnny’s Dock to gorgeous newbie Gwendolyn Stence, who renamed the bar


Alfred's cheeseburger

Alfred’s Café cheeseburger I, Cheeseburgermeister Meistercheeseburger, stopped by Alfred’s Cafe & Bubble Room last week after destroying 59 toys, and decided to lift a couple of pints in the white and black diner, and have a little snack. I know that Alfred’s Cafe has a fascinating history: blah blah once was a

Alfred's cheeseburger


Alfred's cheeseburger

Alfred’s Café cheeseburger I, Cheeseburgermeister Meistercheeseburger, stopped by Alfred’s Cafe & Bubble Room last week after destroying 59 toys, and decided to lift a couple of pints in the white and black diner, and have a little snack. I know that Alfred’s Cafe has a fascinating history: blah blah once was a

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