Blogs (90) Currently Viewing: 41 - 60 of 90

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: James Hume

DANIEL BLUE: MEET JAMES HUME >>>   Pictured here in his natural habitat, (read: the shadowy reaches of a neighborhood bar), the elusive and quixotic artist, rocker icon James Hume is biting his clothing like a rabid animal. Custom clothing for the custom man, James Hume likes the symbol of the

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Hannah Buck

DANIEL BLUE: MEET HANNAH BUCK >>> Hannah Buck keeps a poker face on at all times. Mostly because she always has the winning hand. Consistently wearing the perfect outfit, this sophisticate is someday going to be your boss. She will probably be the boss over everyone. Hannah and I met

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Brandon Hughes

DANIEL BLUE: MEET BRANDON HUGHES >>> Brandon Hughes is a scholar and a poet. He also can sing like a fucking angel.  A graduate of the Tacoma School of The Arts, Brandon is one of 11 founding members of the fancy fancy Dear Records.  His current musical project is called Freeze

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Dylan Treleven

DANIEL BLUE: MEET DYLAN TRELEVEN >>> Dylan Treleven looks like a policeman that lived across the street from me when I was a teenager.  A Tacoma School of the Arts graduate and a student at Brown college in Mendota Heights, Minn., Dylan is home for the summer and still

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Carson Churchill

DANIEL BLUE: MEET CARSON CHURCHILL >>> Carson Churchill is a young activist. He is passionate about the injustice he sees in the world. He is angry with our immigration laws and the way we treat people who are not Americans on our soil and on theirs.  I have seen

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Ben Paris

DANIEL BLUE: MEET BEN PARIS >>> Ben Paris no longer lives in Tacoma, and he did not grow up in Tacoma.  Despite these things, the mark he has left on our funny bones and our metronomes will not be lost even if he stays away for a time and

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Ben Meersman

DANIEL BLUE: MEET BEN MEERSMAN >>> Ben Meersman no longer lives in Tacoma, but he is a genuine product of our pleasant village.    I met Ben through our mutual friend Joel Meyers, who was a fellow ballet dancer and emotional magician.  Ben is the strongest human male I know. His

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Ben Roth

DANIEL BLUE: MEET BEN ROTH >>> Ben Roth has little time for gazing into the camera.  He is busy with multiple projects such as co-founding Dear Records and being one of the best guitar players in Tacoma.  His main squeeze Banners is pretty much a mathy mix of Anthony

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Eli Hansen

DANIEL BLUE: MEET ELI HANSEN >>> Eli Hansen is a roper.  Newly famous in cities such as Orlando and Seattle, his collaborative work with his brother Oscar was recently shown at the Seattle Art Museum. Initially inspired by glass blowing, Eli's work has grown to encompass metal sculpture and

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Brittany Baab

DANIEL BLUE: MEET BRITTANY BAAB >>> Brittany Baab is also known as Banana Klip, which is her name when she is rapping.    Freshly moved here from Chicago, Brit is an easy pick in a bar full of normal conversations. Everything she has to say is interesting, and not just because

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Shawn McManus

DANIEL BLUE: MEET SHAWN MCMANUS >>> Shawn McManus knows more than you do.  The son of NASA parents has explained more complex mechanical and theoretical concepts to me than I learned in all of high school.  For a time he was a barista at the Black Water Café but more

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Ryan Loiselle

DANIEL BLUE: MEET RYAN LOISELLE >>> Ryan Loiselle moved to Tacoma in 1989 and quickly dug in his heels like a stubborn mountain goat. The kind of mountain goat that has a face shaped like a pentagram - yes that kind. I don't know if Ryan ever played Dungeons

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Jason Freet

DANIEL BLUE: MEET JASON FREET >>> Jason Freet is a total slayer. But not a slayer of the demonic metal band type, J.F. is a slayer of a different kind. He took his shirt off after a performance with his band, The Drug Purse, at Bob's Java Jive, and

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: William Davoc

DANIEL BLUE: MEET WILLIAM DAVOC >>> William Davoc was taken from a family of blue herons in Mississippi at the age of 13. He could speak only in garbled honking-croak language and knew nothing of the Internet or any of the major discoveries of the Western World that Al

Walkie Talkie Blog

Dear Fest

DANIEL BLUE: OH DEAR! >>> I spent my Fourth of July at Dear Records headquarters. The label threw a party, Dear Fest, in the backyard of the their Tacoma location. I'm not at liberty to disclose the location. All of the bands were wonderful. They gave away free CDs

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Maria Jost

DANIEL BLUE: MEET MARIA >>> Maria Jost does not normally play with guns. To the best of my knowledge she has never killed anything but bugs, and with much reluctance and prayer for their buzzy little afterlives. Having graduated from the University of Puget Sound, she spent a few years

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Alegra Thornsburg

DANIEL BLUE: ALEGRA THORNSBURG >>> I have known Alegra Thornsburg for quite some time; she has, however, remained a mystery to me though I am not sure as to the reason.    Having first met her at The Monsoon Room, where she was gainfully employed, I discovered a highly intelligent

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Handy Randy (update)

DANIEL BLUE: MEET RANDALL >>> Randall is very handy. I was introduced to him as Handy Randy, "The hardest working man in Tacoma."  Randall refutes this, stating that the title belongs to George Reed Harmon.  I've never been to work with Randy, but most of the times that I

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Trevor Dickson

DANIEL BLUE: MEET TREVOR DICKSON >>> Trevor Dickson is a maniac.  We attended the same high school; he was a year younger, but was always way cooler.  I remember moving to Tacoma several years after graduation and being shocked when I saw his little car parked outside an apartment near

Walkie Talkie Blog

The Tacoma Files: Erik Bjornson

DANIEL BLUE: MEET ERIK BJORNSON >>> Erik Bjornson is surprisingly not the son of Bjorn. An avid community activist, this blogging kingpin has teemed up with comic genius R. R. Anderson and done the impossible. Using a careful alchemy of chalk and sunshine, they have brought the Tacoma blogosphere out into

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