Articles (1172) Currently Viewing: 541 - 560 of 1172

Fun in the garden

Online Newspapers

Fun in the garden

Noted English gardener Janet Kilburn Phillips once said, "There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments." Spring is the time of year when individuals begin to think about planting in their yards and gardens.  What follows are five unique nurseries that can help with enjoying the experience of gardening. Jade Mountain Nursery With an

A bridge to a base

Online Newspapers

A bridge to a base

An airfield and a bridge are linked.   Ten years after the construction of Camp Lewis in 1917, Pierce County voters passed a bond to purchase 900 acres for a municipal airport. Construction of the landing strip and a 27,000-square-foot hangar began in April 1929, not far from Camp Lewis.   Named

Medical research on display April 28

News Front

Medical research on display April 28

Medical research is premised on the past work of others and the innovative actions of those in the present. This concept will be on full display when Madigan Army Medical Center's Department of Clinical Investigation (DCI) presents its 20th annual Madigan Research Day, April 28. Over the years, researchers at Madigan have

History before JBLM's history

Online Newspapers

History before JBLM's history

Being focused on the present can obscure the past. This year, Joint Base Lewis-McChord celebrates its centennial.  Doing so affords the base the opportunity to look back over the past 100 years and note its accomplishments. Those accomplishments are based on a history that transpired before 1917, before there was a then-Camp

A school to housing benefit

Online Newspapers

A school to housing benefit

The post-9/11 GI Bill is a very valuable veteran benefit. The new GI Bill went into effect Aug. 1, 2009. It is the most comprehensive education benefits package since the original Montgomery GI bill was passed in 1944. Former President George Bush signed the Post-9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008. Former

A history of healing

Online Newspapers

A history of healing

The Madigan Army Medical Center just celebrated its 25th anniversary. A lot of history stands behind that celebration. Army Medicine walked in the main gate in 1917 with the construction of Camp Lewis. By the time the camp was renamed Fort Lewis in 1927, there were four dispensaries, which comprised the Fort

Taking off the jacket

News Front

Taking off the jacket

Sexual abuse and assault are criminal acts. The command of Joint Base Lewis-McChord takes very seriously the issue of sexual assault and abuse by, of or on any soldier. The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) guidebook is a company-level reference tool for commanders and soldiers, the Department of the Army, civilians

Forever a soldier

News Front

Forever a soldier

Lt. Gen. Stephen Lanza never talked about himself last Thursday morning during his exit interview. He talked about building community relationships, the Pacific Pathways, implementing innovative training, and the pride he has in the soldiers he has led. Lanza accomplished all this during his tenure as Joint Base Lewis-McChord's top soldier. But he

Freezing at JBLM

News Front

Freezing at JBLM

A sense of uncertainty surrounds President Trump's recent federal hiring freeze. On Monday, Jan. 23, the President issued a two-page executive order implementing a job freeze on all federal employment. It will last for 90 days and end in late April. He said the directive is a stopgap measure to control the

"First Round" for 5th Battalion

News Front

"First Round" for 5th Battalion

Fifth Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment commander Lt. Col James Dunwoody was anxious to get out the door. The unit is part of the 17th Field Artillery Brigade, which is under the command of Col. Andrew Gainey. "We are ready to deploy," Dunwoody said during a telephone interview on Tuesday afternoon. "It is

A portrait and a news article

Online Newspapers

A portrait and a news article

A photograph of a soldier's father, an Army artist, and a soldier-journalist who wrote an article for The Ranger newspaper, created a paragraph of serendipity in the history of Fort Lewis. The photograph was of Thommas Pileggi, and it was a prized possession of Cpl. Ralph Pillage; the post artist was

Getting to sleep

Military Life

Getting to sleep

Wilse Webb, a prominent sleep researcher, once said that sleep is a gentle tyrant - it can be delayed, but it cannot be defeated. Sleep on that for a while. "Sleep is biologically driven," stated Lt. Col. (Dr.) Herbert Kwon, chief of the Madigan Army Medical Center's Pulmonary Critical Care Sleep Service

Looking to improve

News Front

Looking to improve

The seconds passed silently as Spc. Dominick Midell worked to complete his evaluation of a simulated wounded soldier. "I'm going to start my rapid trauma assessment," he said half to himself and half to his evaluator, SSgt. David Nagle. "I've stopped the bleeding; checked pulses and I've done a head-to-toe assessment," continued

I Corps command change

News Front

I Corps command change

Maj. Gen. (P) Gary Volesky, a native of Washington and a graduate of Eastern Washington University, will assume command of I Corps at Joint Base Lewis-McChord Monday, April 3. Before the change of command ceremony, he will be promoted to lieutenant general. Volesky's most recent command was the 101st Airborne Division. His

Welcome to a great vacation spot

Online Newspapers

Welcome to a great vacation spot

Here's a question. What would you say if you were told there is a place nearby that has a campground with a beach to relax on, a great coffee stand with good food, and a museum to walk through history over the course of an afternoon? The correct answer would be "Camp

Teeing up history

Online Newspapers

Teeing up history

Joseph Caster thought whacking a little ball with a big club provided good physical training for his soldiers. Brig. Gen. Caster assumed command of Fort Lewis in 1929, during a period in which a great deal of construction occurred. Soon after taking command, he made it clear that he would leave

Wellness alive on base

Military Life

Wellness alive on base

When one has health, that person has everything. It is good to keep this "everything." To that end, the performance triad of optimal exercise, good nutrition and enough sleep are the components of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. "This three-level approach to health is empowerment, and there is demonstrable evidence that shows this makes

Ferriter: "Life is a fight"

Military Life

Ferriter: "Life is a fight"

The fight started and ended with a set of hands on a pair of shoulders. "Life is a fight, and in this fight you have to close the distance between yourself and your opponent," said Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Ferriter, as he put his hands on the shoulders of his attacker. "The

Know what you want

Military Life

Know what you want

Putting the pieces together in the puzzle of purchasing a home can be challenging. The housing market has shown signs of rebounding from the 2008 housing loan debacle. In conjunction with the improvement of the job market and relatively low interest rates, many individuals are thinking about buying a home. "You want

WWII POWs at Fort Lewis

Online Newspapers

WWII POWs at Fort Lewis

In early June 1944, Hans Koerber entered a Rainier, Oregon, café and ordered a cup of coffee. He was cold, hungry and suffering from a leg injury. Unable to communicate clearly with the waitress, he wrote in pencil on a napkin, "I am an escaped German war prisoner." Koerber, along with another prisoner

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