Diamond Jim's

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1616 S. 325th St.
Federal Way 98003-6009
(253) 838-1440

Credit Cards Accepted, Full Bar, Kid-Friendly, Take-out
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Weekly Volcano Review Reviewed by: Steph DeRosa

What makes a good dive bar into a great one? Aside from the leather captain's chairs, smoky mirrors, wood décor, pull tabs, absence of windows, and rope lights, it's the amount of regulars. Uncle Don arrives at 4 p.m. every day to claim his reserved seat at the bar. Plaques are randomly placed on the walls commemorating past regulars that have passed away. Kelly has set up a 12-top for her Wednesday group of ladies that comes in for lunch. As I sit and watch, they file in one-by-one. Kelly remembers all of their names, and exactly how many screwdrivers to make. There are three beers on tap, karaoke, a very small dance floor, plenty of TVs, an array of wonderfully plush leather booths, and some of the best service I've ever had. I'm not gonna lie - I'm dying to go back. It was my first time there, but definitely not my last. Diamond Jim's was a dive bar with a little extra class, dignity, and security. I really felt at home. And isn't that what finding your favorite bar is all about?  And to Kelly - thank you for the flowers, and yes, I'm feeling much better.


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