The Westside Tavern

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1815 Harrison Ave NW
Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 915-7839

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Weekly Volcano Review Reviewed by: Nikki McCoy

The Westside Tavern in Olympia went through some serious transformation during 2011. Gone are Big Buck Hunter and pull-tabs. They have been replaced by refurbished pool tables and the classy photography of Casey Grant featuring tattooed ladies and Olympia beer. Gone is the tattered blue paint on the outside of the building - inside and out. The ambiance has been mellowed by earthy paint tones, accented by red. Gone is the greasy spoon bar food. The Westside now serves homemade upscale menu items, such as portabella fries with sweet Chile sauce and pineapple express sliders. New owners Dean and Lisa Damitio have crfeated the coolest bar on the Westside. A super great staff is there to please, and they have a nice heated smoking patio, too. "It's a community place for people to come gather," says Dean, "which is exactly what we were hoping to achieve."

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