It Might Get Loud (2008)

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IMDb Rating
7.7 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

A documentary on the electric guitar from the point of view of three significant rock musicians: the Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White.

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MPAA Rating:
PG for mild thematic elements, brief language and smoking.
97 Minutes
Documentary, Music
Davis Guggenheim

Weekly Volcano's Review

Bill White on October 7th, 2009

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A love letter to the art of the guitar, Davis Guggenheim’s documentary convenes a summit of guitar gods from three generations: Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page, U2's The Edge and The White Stripes' Jack White. The three guitarists will share how they developed their own sound and rose to stardom. Bonus: The three musicians gather together on an empty soundstage and go off. The resulting jam session ought to be a music geek’s wet dream.

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