Admission (2013)

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IMDb Rating
5.7 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

Straight-laced Princeton University admissions officer Portia Nathan (Tina Fey) is caught off-guard when she makes a recruiting visit to an alternative high school overseen by her former college classmate, the free-wheeling John Pressman (Paul Rudd). Pres

  • Not Rated Yet
(Based on 0 Ratings)
MPAA Rating:
PG-13 for language and some sexual material
117 Minutes
Paul Weitz
Karen Croner (screenplay)
Jean Hanff Korelitz (novel)

Weekly Volcano's Review

Richard Roeper on March 20th, 2013

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In this disappointingly flat comedy, Portia Nathan (Tina Fey), a Princeton admissions counselor, runs into her past. No doubt there's a film to be made about the intense pressure to get into a top-tier college, but that seems more like dramatic fodder than the launching point for a great comedy. Then there's a problem with Portia, who's basically likable and then not so likable, and then we're asked to be happy for her at the end, but she hasn't given us enough good reason. If there were an admissions test, we'd send Portia packing. - Two stars

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